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Karen Ohm
6th Grade Science
Linda Peniston
Instructional Assistant
Kristopher Petit
5th Grade Math
Nathan Pilgrim
5th Grade ELA
Karen Read
Instructional Assistant
Shelby Ritter
6th Grade Science
Mary Rodgers
5th Grade Math
Carrie Rogers
Sheila Rowell
5th Grade Math
Brent Russell
5th Grade Social Studies
Krissy Smith
5th Grade Science
Tabatha Snell
Instructional Assistant
Kristin Southern
Speech Pathologist
Chelsea Strickland
6th Grade Math
Stephanie Suender
6th Grade ELA
Lisa Taylor
Shauna Warlick
Mistian Whitehead
5th Grade Social Studies
Karan Whitehead
6th Grade Stepping into Success/Career Explorations
Bailey Yutzy
5th Grade Science