Special Session Information

October 11, 2023

Dear Porcupine Family, 

On October 9th at 1:00 p.m., Governor Greg Abbott called a third special session of the 88th Texas Legislature for the purpose of passing voucher legislation to provide private school subsidies with taxpayer funds, among other items. Missing from his call was any reference to school funding increases, which are sorely needed to address record inflation, increase teacher pay, and fund new, unfunded state requirements related to safety and security.

Just as you have felt the impact of inflation, Springtown ISD is seeing significant increases in the cost of utilities, fuel, insurance, food, and other expenses necessary for operating our schools. Our teachers and staff deserve cost of living adjustments just to keep up with the rising costs of groceries, health care, and gas. Unfortunately, the school finance system does not increase funding when inflation rises, and contrary to common belief, when your property values rise, schools do not receive more money for raises or operating expenses. Instead, the state gets to fund less of the system. 

This year, despite a historic budget surplus, state lawmakers have failed to allocate necessary funding to public schools. More than $14 billion in new per-student funding is needed just to give school districts across the state the same buying power as in 2019. Only $2.6 billion has been provided. Regrettably, instead of helping public schools keep up with rising costs, state leaders are focused on pushing through subsidies for private education. The fact that teacher pay raises, school safety, and public school funding are missing from the topics to be covered during the upcoming special session speaks volumes about the misplaced priorities of our state leadership regarding education.

Article 7 of the Texas Constitution states that it is “the duty of the Legislature of the State to establish and make suitable provision for the support and maintenance of an efficient system of public free schools.” I am proud that our public schools serve every student who walks through our doors, regardless of their background or circumstance. 

Here are the facts:

  • Texas ranks 43rd in the US in per-student funding.
  • The state determines the amount of funding per student Springtown ISD receives - and that formula hasn’t increased since 2019 despite a $33 billion state surplus and record inflation.
  • Adequate funding for Springtown children, teachers and schools is being held hostage over negotiations for taxpayer-funded private school vouchers. The priority of our state leadership is clear, and it is NOT adequate public school funding as it is completely absent from the agenda this special session.
  • Unlike SISD, private schools that would receive taxpayer dollars would have no requirements related to:
    • Their finances and how taxpayer dollars are used, 
    • Who governs their schools, how those who govern are chosen and the transparency of their meetings and actions (no control by local taxpayers),
    • The safety of their schools, 
    • The performance of their students, 
    • The qualifications of the adults serving students, or 
    • How or if they serve students with special needs.
  • A private school voucher program creates bigger government at the state level, adding an additional government program (the cost of the Texas Senate’s last voucher proposal would have reached $1 billion in just 5 years).

With significant increases in revenue expected over the next two years, the Legislature could choose to fully fund public education and stabilize our schools by tying funding to inflation. Instead, a faction of Texas politicians inspired by Governor Abbott are withholding teacher pay raises and public school funding for the purpose of forcing voucher legislation. This faction of Texas politicians is pushing a separate educational system that would divert public funds to private schools during a time when our public schools are underfunded by billions of dollars. Our elected Springtown ISD School Board stands firm in opposition to vouchers, and they stand in support of appropriately funding public education.

Please pay close attention to the actions of our lawmakers during this upcoming special session, and join us in "Quilling Up" for public education! Contact your representatives, ask them to support our teachers and staff, and let them know how important public education is to our state and community. 

Now is the time for your voice to be heard.


Shane Strickland

Superintendent of Schools