The VOICE of the Porcupines

“I Just Did It” 

Head drum major, dance team captain, NHS member, top of her class, and now Homecoming Queen.  Kate Mitchell, does it all.  Mitchell says, “I'm used to juggling everything, but what helps me most is staying organized.  It’s a lot but I just did it.”  

Mitchell was crowned homecoming queen on Friday, September 22 at the halftime of the football game.  Mitchell said that she was “supported by her friends, amazing family, and the best boyfriend.”  

“After dance class,  I ran home, changed my hair and makeup, then prepared for the game. I also hung out with my mom,” Mitchell said. Throughout the process of getting ready, Mitchell said that she was “very excited and fortunate to be with such amazing girls and to be with others who had done this before.”

Mitchell was seen in her homecoming dress and her dance boots before the game guiding the dance team onto the field.  She also conducted the band before the football game.

Mitchell was excited to win the title of homecoming queen.  She said she just wanted to “be congenial and make sure other girls still felt important and seen.”

Author: Grady Odell, SHS Student

Photographer: Kaitlin Gurganious, SHS Student