Dixie Mae Crain - SMS Student

Springtown ISD is proud to announce the remarkable achievements of one of our own, Dixie Mae Crain, a shining star in the world of junior golf. Her dedication, talent, and hard work have earned her recognition not only in Texas but across the United States! We are equally proud to recognize her family’s unwavering commitment to service. 

Dixie Mae Crain, a student-athlete in our school district, has consistently displayed exceptional skills and sportsmanship throughout her young career. Despite her numerous accomplishments, Dixie remains humble, and never brags or boasts about her success. Unlike Miss Dixie, we couldn’t be more proud and are excited to share her accomplishments with our Springtown Community.

Texas Junior Golf Ranking: Dixie Mae Crain is currently ranked in the Top 5 in the state of Texas for the 2028 graduation year, according to the prestigious Junior Golf World Rankings. Her consistent dedication to the sport has earned her recognition as one of the state's most promising young talents.

National Recognition: Beyond Texas, Dixie's talent extends nationally, as she holds a position within the Top 60 junior golfers in the entire United States. This ranking underscores her commitment and passion for the sport.

Texas Junior Cup Golf Team: Dixie's journey has led to her selection to the Texas Junior Cup Golf Team, an achievement that highlights her exceptional skills and dedication to representing her home state.

Drive, Chip, and Putt Victory: Most notably, Dixie's recent triumph at the Drive, Chip, and Putt competition in Houston, Texas, deserves special recognition. Her dedication paid off as she secured the first-place victory, earning her the right to compete at the prestigious Augusta National in April 2024.

A Dream Come True: Dixie's victory in Houston means she will be representing Springtown, our school district, and the great state of Texas as a "National Finalist" at the Masters in Augusta National. Golf enthusiasts worldwide will be able to witness her talent as she competes on the Golf Channel and NBC during the weekend preceding the Masters tournament.

Mult-Sport Excellence: Dixie’s athletic abilities extend beyond the golf course. She recently showcased her versatility as a multisport athlete by placing 5th out of over 70 competitors at the cross-country meet in Mineral Wells. This achievement was particularly significant as it was the qualifier for the Meet of the Champions next week, and only the top ten participants moved on. Dixie’s determination and talent earned her a well-deserved spot in this elite competition.

In addition to golf and cross country, Dixie also excels in long-distance track events and is a member of the Springtown Middle School soccer team. 

We are equally proud to share the outstanding achievements of Dixie's family. Sherry, Dixie's mother, is currently overseas, serving her country with honor in the Navy. We are thrilled to announce that she has recently been promoted to Chief Petty Officer, a testament to her dedication and service to our nation. Over the past two months, she has undergone the rigorous transition required to move from a First Class Petty Officer to a Chief following her selection. Thursday morning, she was officially accepted, tested, and pinned as a Chief, marking a significant milestone in her military career.

While Dixie wishes her mom could be here, we know that she is cheering her on from Bahrain. Her father, Rusty, a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer himself, has been with his daughter every step of the way, providing unwavering support and encouragement. 

Springtown ISD  extends our heartfelt congratulations to Dixie's mother for her outstanding achievement and to the Crain family for their unwavering commitment to both our community and our nation.

We congratulate Dixie on her exceptional accomplishments and look forward to cheering her on as she competes on the national stage. Springtown ISD is proud to have such a talented and humble student-athlete represent us on the golf course and beyond.