Duties of the Board
Operating within the legal parameters of the state and federal constitutions, statutes, courts, and administrative agencies, the Board is charged with the responsibility of providing the finest educational program possible for the students in the District. School trustees make all final decisions regarding the school district's priorities, policies, personnel, textbooks, expenditures, and growth management. Trustees adopt a budget that is necessary to maintain and operate the schools, levy taxes to support the budget and submit bond issues to the citizens of the District to finance construction projects.
Board Policy BBA Legal
To be eligible for, or elected or appointed to, the office of Trustee, a person must meet the eligibility requirements.
What Positions are Up for Election?
Board members shall be elected for three-year terms, with elections conducted annually, as follows:
Seats 1, 2, and 3: The election for Seat 1 (currently Rick Beall), Seat 2 (currently Damon Liles), and Seat 3 (currently Jay Grubis) shall be held in 2025, 2028, 2031, and in three-year intervals thereafter.
Seats 4, and 5: The election for Seat 4 (currently Chris Gilley), and Seat 5, (currently Gary Veazey) shall be held in 2026, 2029, and 2032 and in three-year intervals thereafter.
Seats 6, and 7: The election for Seat 6 (currently Mark Bryant) and Seat 7 (currently Cody Bryant) shall be held in 2027, 2030, 2033 and in three-year intervals thereafter.
Filling Period
An application for a place on the ballot can be obtained from the district office and submitted to that office (301 E. 5th Street Springtown, TX) beginning January 15, 2025, through February 14, 2025, by 5:00 pm. Polling locations will be posted to this webpage as soon as they are determined.
- All applications filed are public records and open to inspection upon request.
Application Process
Related Links
Email Sharon Beckworth (sbeckworth@springtownisd.net) for more information.