Springtown ISD Board of Trustees: Damon Liles, Chris Gilley, Mark Bryant, Shane Strickland (Superintendent), Gary Veazey, Rick Beall, Cody Bryant, Jay Grubis
SISD Board of Trustees
Trustees act officially as a group to serve the best interests of the students and employees, and to protect the taxpayers’ investment in the district. Board authority is defined by federal and state law and by regulations set by the State Board of Education. For example, the State Board of Education dictates the curriculum that must be taught in all Texas public schools. The local School Board only has the authority to impact how that pre-determined curriculum is delivered to the students. The Board is guided by parliamentary procedure as detailed in Robert’s Rules of Order. Responsibilities of the Board include, but are not limited to:
Hiring a superintendent to serve as the chief executive officer of the District and evaluate the superintendent’s success.
Approving an annual budget consistent with the District’s vision; adopt the District’s tax rate.
Adopting policies that inform district actions.
Ensuring that the policies and procedures approved by the school board are in line with the district's mission and vision.
Communicating the District’s vision to the community.
Board members are required to attend continuing education training every year and are encouraged to attend seminars that are helpful to their individual performance and/or support district goals. The Board President also assigns Board members to serve on district committees each year.
About the Board
The Springtown ISD Board of Trustees consists of seven members elected by voters residing within the district’s boundaries. Trustees serve three-year terms without pay. While candidates run for specific places, they do not represent specific geographical areas; rather, each represents Springtown ISD at large. School Board elections are held annually. Vacancies occurring after the election may be filled by appointment until the next election is conducted. Following the annual election, the Board elects a president, vice president, and secretary to serve for one-year terms.
The SISD Board of Trustees normally meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6 p.m. Meeting agendas are posted at the Administration Building, 301 East 5th Street, and on the school website. The public is encouraged to attend. The Board of Trustees welcomes the advice and counsel of citizens in planning and operating the schools, although final responsibility and decisions remain with the elected School Board members. School Board members are guardians of the public trust, and through the policies they make are ultimately responsible for the success or failure of local public education. This responsibility often entails difficult choices, self-sacrifice, and exposure to public criticism. However, it also brings a great deal of personal satisfaction in sharing with parents, staff, and students their academic successes.