Mission: The mission of the Springtown Independent School District's athletic program is to offer all athletes the opportunity to achieve their individual athletic potential and their team's athletic potential while developing an appreciation for integrity, academics, attitude, perseverance, responsibility, and the art of goal setting.
The combination of sports and academics can be a tremendous experience in a young person's life. A broad and sound sports program for all students can provide invaluable experiences for the participants.
A sound, wholesome sports program will contribute to and offer involvement to all students as participants, support groups, or as spectators. It will also serve the community by providing entertainment and establishing a common ground of interest, which will draw citizens together in support of the various sports and activities.
It is important to see athletics as a part of the total educational program. It should complement and contribute to the overall educational process.
Strategic Goals
Developing the total student: academically, socially, and physically.
Developing an awareness of the vital importance that a positive mental attitude plays toward success in any endeavor.
Encouraging the student-athlete to achieve academic success.
Creating a climate for developing a strong, wholesome, self-concept.
Teaching personal acceptance of responsibility to student-athletes.
Teaching all students the importance of each and every team member.
Reaching the maximum athletic potential of each individual and each team.
Developing an appreciation for the team concept.
Developing an appreciation for sportsmanship.
Reaching a competitive level in each sport.
According to UIL and SISD policy, all student/athletes 7th through 12th grade must have all UIL forms completed and turned in to their coach before being eligible to participate in any sport. This includes the following forms; Medical History, Acknowledgement of Rules, General Eligibility Rules, Concussion Acknowledgement Form, Anabolic Steroid Use and Random Steroid Testing, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Form. All incoming 7th, 9th, 11th-grade athletes and any student that did not participate in a sport the previous year or any athlete that incurred an injury the year before MUST have a physical evaluation by a physician. All forms can be found in the front office of the middle school, in the secretary's office of the high school, and on the website. If you have any questions, please contact the Athletic Department.
Athletic Quick Links

Stadium Requests
Pat Hall - Stadium Director
Jenna Miller - Athletic Secretary
Brian Hulett - Athletic Director