Welcome to Springtown Independent School District's Parent Portal
Springtown ISD welcomes and encourages all parents to become an active part of their child's education. By monitoring your child's homework, attendance, attending their performances or extracurricular activities, volunteering at a campus, or joining a campus PTA or booster club, you demonstrate the importance of education to your child.
Through this page, we strive to help families by providing information and resources that will assist their children
Dangerous Weather Information
Weather monitoring and our responses to dangerous weather events are key components of our emergency management posture.
The majority of the material listed below focuses on thunderstorms and the hazards these storms produce – damaging winds, lightning, hail, tornadoes, flash floods, and winter weather.
Springtown ISD’s priorities during emergent events are outlined below:
Protection of life,
Protection of property,
Recovery and Continuity of Services.
If you have any trouble searching for what you are looking for please contact your respective school and they will be happy to help in any way they can.
Porcupines STICK Together! #PorcupineFamily