2024 Regional Track Weather Update


We are watching the weather and checking forcasts.  Based on the phone call at 9:45 am we had with Joseph Garmon of the UIL, we cannot move anything or make a call to cancel todays finals based off of weather predictions until 1:00 pm.  As of right now finals will be at 2:00 pm as scheduled.  The track will be open at 12:30 for warmup.  Today we will warm up on the field prior to each race, no one except atheltes actively warming up will be allowed. Also, no coaches will be allowed on the field.  We will stage in the same area as yesterday.  We will also have our middle school open for athletes and coaches to wait if we are in a delay.  

If you have any questions please feel free to contact :
Pat Hall phall@springtownisd.net  (817)991-7964 - cell
Sawyer Cooper scooper@springtownisd.net  (817)455-6211 - cell