A Little About Me
I went to college at University of North Texas and received my Master's and Principal Certification from Tarleton University.
I taught for 10 years in Eagle Mountain Saginaw ISD. I was the Assistant Principal here at Reno for two years. This is my fifth year as the Principal and I feel so blessed to get to serve the students, community and staff here!
As for my personal life, I have the most wonderful family! They are the best support system and we are each other’s' BIGGEST fans!! I have a wonderful, supportive husband named Jared; I have three amazing children: Madison (18), Madden (11), and Manning (9). That, combined with the blessings that my "school kids" provide in my life, I feel that I am truly a blessed person!
Feel Free to contact me at 817-221-5001 or by email at jshowers@springtownisd.net